What is a wet reckless?

A “Wet Reckless” or wet reckless driving is like a reduced driving under the influence or DUI/DWI in California. The formal term is “alcohol-related reckless driving” but it is commonly referred to as simply “wet reckless.” A wet reckless is governed by California Vehicle Code section 23103.5. A wet reckless is a sort of compromise or middle ground between a DUI and dismissal of the DUI. It normally applies to border line cases of DUI such as when the driver’s blood alcohol level is close to the .08% limit (such as between .07% and .09%). Normally, the district attorney will offer a wet reckless to resolve cases where there is a question as to whether they would be able to prove at trial that the blood alcohol level meets the legal threshold of .08%.

It may or may not be wise for the defendant to accept the wet reckless. Sometimes, the defendant would be wise to reject the wet reckless offer to resolve the case as they would be likely to get a dismissal or acquittal (not guilty) at trial. Furthermore, a wet reckless still carries fairly significant penalties. A wet reckless in counties like Sacramento, Yolo, Placer and El Dorado still entails a fine that can be well over $1,000. Also, it entails an expensive 6 week DUI class and a period of informal or summary probation. Perhaps most importantly, a wet reckless still counts as 2 points on a person’s driving/DMV record. Those 2 points will very likely cause the person’s car insurance premiums to rise significantly. Lastly, a wet reckless has no impact on the DMV’s decision to suspend the arrestee’s drivers license. (However, a “Helmandollar,” a term of art, may save the individual’s license.)

If you are facing a DUI, contact DUI attorney Jonathan Turner. Mr. Turner can advise you as to whether a wet reckless in your case is a viable and smart option or not. DMV attorney Jonathan Turner can also assist you in perhaps salvaging your license to drive despite a wet reckless conviction.